Have you heard the story of the philosopher who did the Emperor of China a great service, and requested payment involving grains of rice and a chess board? Well, he asked that one grain of rice be placed in the bag for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, eight for the next and so on. With each square the number of rice grains would double. The Emperor thought this sounded reasonable and agreed. It didn't take long until he realised he had given away all the rice in China.
Well Ridley applies it to something a little different (not the story, but the doubling). We have two parents, four grandparents, eight grandparents, and so on... you get the picture.
'A mere thirty generations back - in, roughly 1066AD - you had more than a billion direct ancestors in the same generation (2 to the power of 30). Since there were fewer than a billion people alive at that time in the whole world, many of those people were your ancestors twice or three times over. If, like me, you are of British descent, the chances are that almost all of the few million Brittons alive in 1066, including King Harold, William the Conqueror, a random serving wench and the meanest vassal (but excluding all well behaved monks and nuns) are your direct ancestors.'That is not really all that long ago. Go a little further back and we all came from Africa.
Now clearly, we can't really go that many generations back. But this false belief that we are descended from a specific line based on our father's father's father... is rather silly. Then you take the fact that it all probably mixes far far quicker than we think. Add to that the complete randomness of where you were born, and to who...
then the whole concept of borders and countries and the like becomes a little silly.
This comes from someone who has always been a strong patriot of South Africa. But perhaps one that is fast realising these artificial barriers of any sort are silly.
Except when playing sport...
I am no big believer in borders; practically, I get annoyed when applying for visas, standing in queues etc. but also philosophically, because I believe in freedom - the ability to freely move around on my planet.
However, if there were no borders, Julia commented, cultures would get diluted and everything would become uniform, like in the US. Furthermore, in a capitalistic world people would move towards the more prosperous region and then over-population would never allow that region to reach its full potential.
'like in the US'...
Really. Is everything in the US uniform? I am not convinced. People will naturally move towards people who are similar to them. I think there will always be cultural differences, but these will develop with time. Past cultures may not be preserved but there will always be spice.
As for over-population, I would imagine that new cities would spring up and ones not suffering from overpopulation would attract people from once that are. Supply and Demand, the invisible hand... and all that jazz.
No arguments... Urban Creep is not great when it leads to slums. But I can't believe that creating artificial barriers is the right answer.
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