Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Artistry and Flow

Sometimes you are learning to ride a unicylcle and you have to fall and fall until suddenly you are able to ride. You can or you can't. Sometimes you have a slow progression and with steps, and then little breakthroughs, plateaus and more breakthroughs. Sometimes you don't notice the progress you are making just like we don't notice ourselves getting older, then you suddenly realise where you are like seeing someone as an adult for the first time when you only knew them as a child.

This scene is one of my absolute favourite...

This kind of artistry doesn't just happen. It flows from a passion. It flows from something that comes from deep inside and after years and years takes you to to the heart of that special place we all know when the world melts away and everything clicks.

Here's to everyone finding something that melts their world away.

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