Thursday, September 09, 2010

Parthenon Perspective

After a holiday with a twist (a 4 day Yoga retreat), I headed to Athens for a U2 concert. The next day I spent wandering around the city. There is nothing quite like the Parthenon for a bit of perspective. Whatever your worries are, they seem a little less important. It doesn't have to be looking at really old buildings, or even hearing of the discovery of hundreds of earth-like planets, it can simply be taking your niece to the park, or a friend having their first child.

There are lots of things that let you take a deep breath, and refocus. The shortness of my life in the context of life on earth, or the size of my body relative to the vastness of space doesn't make me feel insignificant. Instead it should be like the French and their small portions of food... there is just a little, so savour it.

A combination of perspective, and not worrying too much with realising how incredible it is that you are right here, right now and the mindfulness to enjoy it.

Exciting times.

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