Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Game of Thrones - War and Peace

Like many, I am hooked on the book & TV series 'A Game of Thrones'. Somewhat differently, I am attempting to take advantage of the liberating character of audio books which allow you to maintain your concentration for longer (because you entertaining the elephant) to listen to some books which I have 'wanted' to read but in reality haven't had the will power. One of those books is 'War and Peace'.

The one is more obviously not based on reality than the other, but the sad truth is that the benefits that come from monopolising violence fall aside when leaders start to play games with who is in control. The glad truth is that our current generations leader's playing of 'the Game of Thrones' is significantly less violent, and more and more people are left to get on with their lives.

I feel pretty lucky to be living in a country with rule of law and no need to stand before someone with a sword to dispense Kings justice if I frustrate them. I am glad the Queen of England is more like a granny. Granny's are cool.

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