Monday, September 04, 2017


I find asking for help difficult. I don't know with clarity, what it is I need, or want. What is available to me? What strings are attached? What is the expectations cost of the help? I come from a culture deep soaked in the idea of self-sufficiency. I don't believe anyone is self-made, but there are many that believe they are. A belief in self-sufficiency, even if it doesn't recognise the support available, is a powerful motivator. Stop whining. Sort it out. It also shrinks the universe of options to something more controllable. Every decision is yours. My options are constrained by my abilities. Part of my resistance might come from being a guy. Delegation is fine. Help less so. Being in control of an organisation which implements decisions doesn't have the stigma of looking for support. We consciously negotiate and agree service and employment contracts. Roles and responsibilities are defined. The softer stuff is far less conscious. Asking isn't whining, but it feels like it.

Do you want some cheese with that whine?

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