Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Magic Trick

Price is not value. Value is deeply personal and qualitative. Markets are a crude but effective way of admitting that value is too complex to put a number on. Complex and with a split personality. The exact same object or service has different value depending on how it is perceived, and who consumes or looks after it. Price is a simple magic trick. Through the act of exchange, and with full information, value can be created. If the buyer believes that the thing or service is worth more than the money, and the seller believes it is worth less. Both can be correct. Of course, if either is manipulated and feels different “on Monday” then it is wealth extraction. But if an honest relationship building exchange takes place, then both parties win. Price is just a clearing mechanism. A way of shifting things around. Money isn’t a thing. It is a lubricant to release value.

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