Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Boxing Dreams

Money changes hands when a problem is solved. That problem may be a service or an absent/present thing, but it boils down to problem-solving. Someone needs to clearly articulate what that problem is, and someone needs to recognise that they have it. A well understood ask and offer. Unless the problem-solvers and fuzzy value adders get together. You can have Breadwinners and Homebuilders. You can have an Engine that grows through problem-solving, and empowers other activity that is less bound by the constraints of money-making. Not a problem, but still worth doing. A problem, but hard to articulate. To make money, you need a container. To place the ask and offer in a box that you can count and charge for. Charge per hour. Charge per day. Charge per life. Time is the simplest box. There are lots of valuable activities that will scream and shout if you try box them. Valuable activities that count but can’t be counted. Don’t box them. Build Engines that power them.

I'm finished with being put in a box

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