Monday, July 22, 2019

Working Mini-Me

Fundamental Investing is the idea that Capital can have a job. Capital does work which is why it gets paid. It rewards Custodial behaviour over Consumers. If you think of Money as a Mini-Me, then spending is firing your Mini-Me. Buying something is turning your Mini-Me into a statue and telling them to stand in the Garden. Hoping the weather doesn’t do too much damage. Saving is like buying something, but Mini-Me has to just twiddle their thumbs for a while. Long enough of a gap, and maybe someone else will give them some work and pay you Mini-Me’s salary. Investing is when Mini-Me does proper work. If Mini-Me manages to solve problems for people, then Mini-Me can grow and do more work. Eventually, Mini-Me can earn as much as Me-Me… then Me-Me can do something else. Not all good ideas are good business ideas. Capital can do the work for money, so we can Labour for love and passion. 

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