Monday, July 08, 2019

Buffer v Engine

A Buffer is an Engine that isn’t free. It’s all well and good to have a gap between your hand and mouth and build up Capital, but life isn’t smooth. We have some predictable unplanned events. A Buffer can smooth those out. Cracked windscreens, dropped phones, lost wallets, broken glasses, and all those things that aren’t in our control but happen. Then there are things that need replacing. We can use a Buffer to smooth out the impact of new fridges, new shoes, new clothes and other things that cost money in a bumpy way. A big Buffer can handle the even nastier surprises, like periods without work or illness, but only for a limited time. A Buffer allows self-insurance. But Buffers need replacing when they are dipped into. An Engine is self-sustaining. It is money that is put to work. If you only spend less than it earns, it can grow, and it can survive. Given time, and if not too aggressive, an Engine can even self-repair if it is occasionally treated like a Buffer. If an unsustainable amount is taken out… but then it is left alone to recover. Find an income. Get breathing space between your hand and mouth. Build a Buffer. Build an Engine.

Buffers help us Regenerate

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