Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Private Battles

"Everyone else is fighting a private battle you know nothing about. Be kind." Life doesn't revolve around any of us, except for us. So when we are at our low, others are celebrating. When we are ecstatically happy, someone else may be receiving awful news. In a global world that is connected, we can't get the signals necessary to know if someone has capacity. You can dump your emotional baggage on someone, and two blue ticks later it is in their heart and mind. Whether they are in a space to deal with it or not. At times it can feel too much to bear. Admitting that feels like weakness, because it is. If no one is the rock... where do we turn, but inwards? I don't know the answer. A wise lady once told me just to come back to kindness and respect. Build that first... the rest will follow. 

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