Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Red Flag

I don’t believe in Get Rich Quick schemes. If an idea is too easy, then several red flags come up. Is it wealth creation, or wealth extraction? Is someone being manipulated because full information is being hidden? Is it a Pyramid Scheme where a few people get paid well till the music stops playing? What’s the trick? I believe in the power of time & compounding. There is no trick involved. Neither of those work without a source. Initial ideas can be straight off the menu. What are the options available for work? What are you best at, that can generate the most money, in the most tolerable (and enjoyable if you are lucky) way? What skills and knowledge do you need to develop? Then it is a dance between spending & putting money to work. The bigger the gap between your hand & mouth, the more money can get a job. With time, you can build a Buffer and increasing Financial Security. Financial Security can grow into Financial Freedom. As individuals, and as communities, I believe it is possible to build Engines that can open up entirely different ways of deciding how to spend our time. We don’t have to live hand to mouth. Capital can work so that Labour can love. Capital doesn’t need schemes. Capital needs time & space to compound.

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