Thursday, September 05, 2019

Making Problems

One of my biggest frustrations is my creative and socially minded friends having to force their hopes and dreams through a monetisation funnel. Not everything is a good business idea. A lot of good ideas need to be attached to a financial Engine to power them. Breadwinners and Homemakers. Making money has very clear and specific rules. First, there needs to be a problem. An inadequacy or thing that requires changing. Then there needs to be a container. Limited supply of the solution to which you hold a key, that you don’t have to hand over without some cash in return. Trust that you intend to solve the problem. Confidence that you can. There are so many beautiful things that get destroyed if you try to contain them in a framework of inadequacy and transactions. There is nothing wrong with problem-solving. There is a lot wrong with trying to turn everything into a problem that needs solving.

Put it in a box

1 comment:

Mandisa said...

You have such a beautiful mind.