Thursday, October 17, 2019

Engine Repair

Endurance allows you to build something significant over the very long term. Resilience protects the things that matter from being destroyed by the things that don't. Endurance and Resilience simply provide the container for Creativity. What we do matters. That is where meaning is created. The container for that meaning creation is essential. There are good ideas, and there are good business ideas. Breadwinning and Homemaking. The Bread creates the container, but the home creates the story. I don't believe we all have to make Bread. Building Capital creates Engines that can power good ideas that aren't good business ideas. That requires some pretty harsh reality checks. If your Engine is an oven that bakes bread... and the bread stops coming, or not enough comes... you have to roll your sleeves up. Look at the menu of options, and make a choice.

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