Monday, January 20, 2020

Power and Flexibility

My objection to Living Wage and Minimum Wage is the opposite of believing people shouldn’t have sufficient money to, at a minimum, survive. I believe in a world where we vote not just at the ballot box, but with our feet and our wallets. Real time. I believe in the Four Freedoms – Capital, Goods, Services, and Labour. My objection to Living/Minimum Wage is that it puts the burden on employers and small businesses, and makes the calculations of whether to create job opportunities favour machines. It also creates a dependency between the worker and work giver (even and particularly if there are wage subsidies). A Basic Income increases the negotiating power and flexibility of both parties. It empowers from the bottom, but leaves both the worker and the employer with power in their feet and wallets. The ability to say Yes. The ability to say No. The ability to create.


David said...

So you oppose Minimum Wages and Living Wages, but argue for a Basic Income?

Swart Donkey said...
