Monday, February 17, 2020

The Number

The size of Engine you require depends on the lifestyle you are wanting to finance. In 1930, Keynes predicted (because of improvements in productivity) we would only need to work 15-hour work weeks. That productivity did arrive, but we don’t want 1930s lifestyles. A 2020 lifestyle in a rich country costs more. In the bubble I worked in, lots of people spoke of “The Number”. An Engine size they thought they needed before they could take a shot at going on their own path. My Number was significantly lower than the ones thrown around. Many of my friends would not want to make the choices I make. When I say I don’t want money to constrain my choices, I don’t mean having so much money I can do anything. I mean defanging money by self-imposing constraint on my spending. This limits my choices. Within those limits, there is still a world of possibility. I am not a Martyr. That world still excites me. But it does mean “can’t afford it” is a real thing. Yes, I could make different trade-offs, work on things that make money to move those constraints. That is a privilege many others don’t have. Bigger, better, more is a valid choice. I am choosing differently.

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