Thursday, March 05, 2020

Goals and Values

The most traditionally successful people I know are also the most pragmatic. The world tells you the answers if you are willing to accept them. It is people who are trying to change the rules (like me) who rage against the machine. The people who question traditional success. But if traditional success is your goal, don’t rage. Past Papers (know the answers the examiners are looking for), First Principles (know the tools), Practice, and Habit Building will let you pick off the menu. You start by finding out what is on the menu. What are your values? What is your goal? Whose life? Whose job? Then you find what skills and knowledge they needed. What was their path? Is that path open to you? If not, why not, and what can you do to change that? If you can’t change it or the cost of changing it is too high, what is open to you? Then you crack on and do what needs to be done. Just make 100% sure that is really what you want.

UCT Sports Hall - Exams as Sport

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