Friday, June 26, 2020

Investing in Ecomaps

I am eagerly anticipating Brandon Stanton’s book “Humans”. A large part of our collective social capital is that we aren’t alone. Our lives are path dependent, and our perspectives limited, but that helps us see better as a team. Like blocking out the light so your image is clearer on your lockdown video chat. Not seeing, is a part of seeing. Most stories of financial security start with a source of income. Before that, you have to develop the appropriate skills and knowledge. Appropriate to the target job. Appropriate to your starting circumstances. Appropriate to your finances. To do that, you have to gather information. I had two gap years between school and university. Lots of conversations. There was no LinkedIn to see a world’s worth of career paths. I benefitted from the privilege of amazing teachers, introductions, and friends of friends. An “Ecomap” is a diagram used by social workers showing someone’s social and personal relationships. Books like Humans and tools like LinkedIn democratise the lessons freely available if you pause to gather information. If you invest in your Ecomap.

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