Friday, July 03, 2020

Endless Knot

Actions have consequences. Some are intended. Intention and incentives matter, but the world is so complicated (and getting more so) that we don’t, and can’t, have a strong grasp on cause and effect. The stories we layer on the world are glitchy and built on our own personal faulty understanding. Then thrown into the mix is a double helping of randomness that tends to swamp our efforts. The only thing you can truly plan for is that things won’t go according to plan. Build in a feedback loop. A little lesson from each step. Realise that each step taken changes the world. The lesson you learnt applies to a world that no longer exist. And is only relevant to one of the ways that world could have played out. Complicated. Ambiguous. Random. In a way that is empowering. No one understands. Don’t expect yourself to. The main goal is to create an environment that gives you time. Then the ability to adapt, adjust, and accommodate. Then create. Do something meaningful to you. Build. Learn. Rebuild. Every day.

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