Thursday, September 24, 2020

Creating Calm

“Past performance is used as a guide only. It is no guarantee of future returns. Your investment can go up and down and you may not get back the full amount invested.” This is the standard disclaimer that all asset managers are obliged to make part of the conversation. Investments can, and do, double, triple, quadruple, or go to zero. There is so much noise, and difference between daily, monthly, and annual returns that it bears little resemblance to a salary. Even though your money is working. A salary is more analogous to a dividend. A dividend gets declared. Management aim to smoothly pay for the use of Capital. Aim to increase it each year. To pay it sustainably. They consider the strength of the capital to endure, and the ability of the business to adjust. The challenge is looking for the signal in the noise. Creating the ability to cope with the noise. Creating calm in a continuous storm.

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