I went to watch No Country For Old Men on Stuart's recommendation. No sure why since we normally don't have similar tastes in movies. Well, that is not altogether true... He just doesn't like Nouveau Movies and I do. Well, that is also not altogether true. I see Cinema Nouveau as a lucky packet... sometimes the movie will be awesome, and sometimes it will be painful. Something like why I watch Sport. I figure that on average I get more out of it than the stuff `upstairs'.
I enjoyed this quote (Not word for word since it is by memory):
Was the story you told true?
I can't vouch for the details, but it is true that it was a story.
These are some of Mr Torrs thoughts on the movie.
This was one of those movies I shouldn't have gone to see with my mother. Not a feel good movie... but there were some classic dark humour lines. It wasn't a fast flowing movie, but it was very well written. Worth a watch if you don't mind a bit of blood.
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