Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A little crazy

Apparently it was Bill Gates who said you have to be a little crazy to be successful. You have to do things that it is not logical to do, because the chance of success is not justified by the probability of success.

This doesn't sit well with me in some ways. I don't buy lottery tickets because I am almost certain I won't win. Given that I don't buy lottery tickets, I am now even more certain not to win.

I think logic matters a lot. Thinking things through matters a lot. Thinking about things from other people's perspective too. Once you have thought things through, trying to unthink what you think you thought, and think again. Think bravely, then challenge those thoughts. Then, when you have thought yourself into a knot, clear your mind and start again.

But sometimes, and for some things... a few things you are really passionate about, it may help to throw logic to the wind and go for it. Where every single sign tells you to give up, but something wills you to go on.

There's a thought.

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