Along the way I have tried to convince others to blog. At times I have probably erred on the side of blogevangelist and perhaps scared and scarred some people. Hopefully they forgave my enthusiasm. I would have to rank my attempts as pretty poor though since the majority of those who started them wrote only a handful of posts before stopping. My first 2 years of blogging were much the same. The thinking that got me to write more is explained in the post that ended the rot... "scared?"
Basically it was about not being scared of writing. Just deciding to write something and doing it. Writing regularly. Some posts are rubbish. Some posts perhaps make you look like an idiot. Some make you look like a narcissist. Some strike a cord.
Along the way, the person who inspired me to start, stopped. So my grand plan of everyone writing a regular brief post on what they are thinking, reading, dreaming, doing or being is really going backwards.
But I can dream.
Stuart inspired you to write? Really? I was chatting to Stuart recently (while stalking the Argentian team *shhhh don't tell a soul*) and I tried to convince him to blog AGAIN but I don't think I was successful.
Yeah, I tried to convince my friends to blog but none of them seemed to have the time. Most of them decided to quit after a while.
But yeah I do spend a great deal of time thinking, "what will I write about next". I'm surprised that after 3 years I haven't run out of topics yet.
Yes, I have been trying to twist his arm to no avail.
Sure he will snap at some stage.
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