Friday, June 29, 2018

Mental Health and Empowerment

Mental Health is about Endurance and Resilience. Empowerment is about Creativity. Without a strong Mind-Body, we are caught in a spin of Ohrwurms, aches, pains and regret. We stop breathing. Without a strong Mind-Body, we are unable to cope with short-term bumps and batterings (Resilience), and can't hold a little bit back to stay in the game (Endurance). Without Mental Health, it becomes impossible to be Creative. Connections require Creativity. Through 'sensuality, movement, association, sexuality, humour, imagination, numbers, symbolism, colour, order, positivity and exaggeration' we create a web of meaning with our creativity. A web of connections. That starts with looking after ourselves. With looking after each other. It starts with Mental Health and Empowerment.

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